
Engineering & Construction

The Engineering and Construction (EPC) industry has been generally reluctant to adopt technology, and the use of paper processes that are antiquated is not unknown. The possibilities for implementing technologically driven solutions in the EPC industry are manifold. Automation of Design Centres BIM (Building Information Modeling) systems at consolidated design centres, either offshore or onshore,

Pharmaceutical & Life Sciences

The integration of technology into the healthcare, pharmaceutical and life sciences industry has the inherent capacity to create a scenario in which the patients and their kin experience no trauma other than that caused directly by medical circumstances. Mobile Technology The widening smartphone footprint with internet enabled services, opens avenues for real time patient-doctor connect


Digital technology is transforming the landscape of the travel and tourism industry. Handheld devices are increasingly influencing the way in which travellers, not only decide their travel destinations, but also the ways in which travellers move, where they stay and their vacation activities. Smart phones Smartphones have become the first choice instruments for making travel

Jewelry & Lifestyle

The jewelry industry has been manually driven for years but technology is poised to cause large scale disruption in all facets of the industry – design, customization, fabrication, production, marketing and sales. The advent of technology in the jewelry industry came with the introduction of computer aided design (CAD) and computer aided manufacturing (CAM) technologies

Real Estate

Digitally enriched experiences have emerged as a key marketing tool and knowledge disseminator in nearly every industry and the real estate industry is no exception. The embracing of digital technology transcends distances, opening up the industry to investment from across geographies. Emerging Market The emerging market is literally and figuratively in the hands of the


The Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority (IRDA) has made prescriptive parameters for insurance products, marketing and distribution more rigorous, and customers, having been empowered by the knowledge eco-system, have become far more discerning and demanding. Enterprises intent on carving out a larger piece of the pie for themselves are embracing technology initiatives to differentiate themselves


Technological innovations are changing the face of the manufacturing industry through automation of processes, thus limiting the need for human intervention largely to operation of controls. Robotics, 3D printing, nanotechnology, cloud computing and the Internet of Things (IoT) are either on the horizon or have made their first foray into the world of manufacturing. The

Media, Entertainment & Publishing

The media, entertainment and publishing industry is no new-comer to the world of technology. There has been an exponential growth in digital content, and cut-throat competition for capturing eye-balls. Enterprises are called to analyse deliveries in the context of changing demographics, the mushrooming of smartphones and whimsicality of customers. Convergence Strategy Digital is indispensable in

Securities & Capital Markets

The Securities and Capital Markets industry is not a newcomer to innovative technology adoption which first debuted around half a century ago. Given the development of emerging markets, the spurt in entrepreneurship, and relentless demand for funding and investment, innovative approaches incorporating intelligent technology that is adaptable, expandable, interconnected and digitally trustworthy are no longer

Enterprise Resource Planning

Digital technology is seen as a game changer in the Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) industry but is only a means to an end. Social media, analytics and mobile are transforming the global landscape, real and virtual, and compelling enterprises to redefine their data lines with customers, partners and suppliers, the positioning of their products and

Government & Public Sector

There is not merely an expectation, but a mounting demand from citizens, for governments to connect more closely with them as primary stakeholders in public affairs. E-governance is an inescapable part of the future government roadmap given increasing citizen activism. Process re-engineering of government initiatives must target closer citizen contact, simplification of resource management, outstanding